Bacteria And Your Business: What You Can’t See Can Hurt You!


Queenaire Ozone Generators
Remove odors naturally without chemicals

If you happen to own a business which the public regularly visits it’s mandatory to kill bacteria from every source. Restaurants, hotels, retail establishments, etc., are petri dishes for bacteria growth. Your business’s appeal to the public and your financial liability are two of the main reasons for eliminating bacteria. Since “cost-effective” sounds like music to a business person’s ear, what affordable yet extremely thorough method is available?


What you can’t see (bacteria) gets in every nook and cranny, so the solution must do the same. An ozone generator is the perfect solution for  odor problems a business must eliminate. Need reasons? Here’s some:

  • Ozone goes where air goes. Ozone generators produce ozone, a gas chemically related to oxygen. Ozone leaves the machine, goes wherever odor-causing gases are, and destroys them.
  • Ozone is colorless, yet “green”. Environmentally friendly anything is what’s not only trendy, but savvy in the business world. Ozone generators were employing “green” technology for odor removal back when green was just a color.
  • Workplace safety. Odor removal by chemical is the usual approach. While mainly effective, the biohazard possibilities for clients/customers as well as worker safety and liability issues exist. Unless you’re using an ozone generator. Ozone itself carries the rating “GRAS” (generally regarded as safe) by the Food And Drug Administration. Obviously, common sense must prevail when using it, as it is not an inhaler. Meaning, totally safe when used as directed. 
  • The air/attitude factor. A business that demands quality of its own working area, including the air itself, promotes and receives unspoken respect from its employees. A subliminal benefit of ozone “fresh air”.

   Next Step?

Business owners (and everyone else) who need foul odors gone now or just want to breathe the purest air must contact us for more eye-opening facts. Whether caused by bacteria or not, odor removal by ozone is vital for your business! 

Natural Indoor Odor Removal

Queenaire Ozone Generators

An Ozone Generator is a type of air cleaner that intentionally produces the gas called ozone. The machine can disinfect, deodorize, kill or remove toxic airborne particles in indoor spaces. Ozone sanitizes by breaking gown odors, microorganisms and other pollutants.

In order to use ozone safely, you should consider which problems you need to treat. Some important safety tips are:

  • Use a timer to switch on your ozone generator while a room is unoccupied
  • Do not smoke or work with open fire during ozone treatment
  • After an ozone treatment, the room must be ventilated for at least 15 minutes. Even short-term breathing of ozone in high concentrations may cause negative physiological effects

The generators create ozone (03) which is dispersed into the air to attack and destroy odors at their source. They are also effective at eliminating:

  • Paint odors
  • Decaying odors
  • Smoke damage odors
  • Mold and mildew
  • New construction odors
  • Pet Odors
  • Cooking Odors

Ozone completely destroys the offending gases that cause bad smells. The ozone generator is a purification system that does not rely on air passing through the machine; instead it produces a massive amount of ions. These ions make the dust agglomerate and discharge from the air.

For more information please contact us.

Newaire Plugin Technology Cleans the Air in Enclosed Areas

Newaire Plugin Electronic Deodorizer

newaire plug-in electronic deodorizer

Pleasant odors can lift our spirits and improve our mood. The smell of coffee brewing or bacon frying can coax us out of bed in the morning. The scent of flowers or perfume may put is in a romantic frame of mind. Unpleasant odors can have the opposite effect. They can cause us to feel repelled and even cringe. Now you can make sure that only clean air is in your home with the Newaire Plugin Electronic Deodorizer.

We love our pets and may think they are wonderful, yet the smell we are used to may be unpleasant to others, and pet dander can be even worse. It may be because they are unpleasant, but bad odors seem to linger longer than the ones we like. Fortunately, those offensive indoor orders can easily be eliminated with the use of ozone generating air purifiers.

Ozone Generators

Ozone generators remove all unwanted odors from the air by destroying the molecules responsible, whether they are from mold, bacteria, smoke or other contaminants. Ozone (O3) is a reactive form of an oxygen molecule. It changes the chemical structure of pollutants so they are no longer offensive or harmful. Scented air sprays do not remove the odor causing particles from the air, they simply mask them by adding pleasant scents.


If you live in a home or apartment that has persistent and offensive odors from pets, food, tobacco smoke, mold, garbage or other sources, an ozone generator may be what is needed to allow you to breathe more easily. Ozone seeks out and destroys odors in the air. Ions created by coronal discharge cause dust particles in the air to clump into larger particles that fall to the ground to be vacuumed up.


For cleaning the air in a single room, the Newaire Plugin Series of ozone deodorizers are effective for cleaning odors from up to 500 sq/ft of air. Simply plug the device into an electrical wall outlet and let it start to remove the unpleasant odors from the air. The air quality is improved by a freshening infusion of enhanced ionization. This may be especially helpful for some one who has difficulty breathing in polluted or pollen filled air.


You may have a vehicle that smells bad, such as a used car, truck, minivan or commercial vehicle. You may have an old RV that smells musty after sitting unused for several months. The Newaire Auto Series II can safely eliminate the offensive odors from up to 250 sq/ft, giving you and your passengers a much more pleasant experience. Just plug it into a DC outlet, and it will go to work cleaning the air. It may even save your vacation in the case of a musty RV.

As always, contact the Ozone Experts anytime for help with choosing the right product for your needs.

Eliminate Odor Naturally During National Care about Indoor Air Month

With National Care about Indoor Air Month in full swing, we wanted to spend a few moments this week taking about the topic. What many Americans may not be cognizant of is how big a problem indoor air pollution really is. So we decided to start off with a few shocking statistics and then talk about how to eliminate odor naturally.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, on a daily basis, each of us takes in roughly 3,000 gallons of air. For most of us, at least 16 hours of our day are spent indoors. Now couple that with the World Health Organization’s research. It indicates that poor indoor air quality contributes a notable amount to what’s known as the global burden of disease.

How much is a notable amount? In the early 2000s, when the last major study was conducted, the amount was 2.7 percent. At the time, the organization was also able to directly contribute indoor air pollution exposure to more than 1 million fatalities. That, in effect, made it one of the organization’s top 10 public health concerns.

Although it has been a while since another study of that magnitude was conducted, we doubt that much has changed for the better. After all, the results of the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air Report were not something to celebrate. They indicated that more than 44 million human beings still live in areas around the globe that are known to have exceptionally poor outdoor air quality. So we can only imagine that indoor air quality in America still needs a lot of improvement too.

Thus, if you want to eliminate odors naturally from your environment during National Care about Indoor Air Month, we’d recommend buying an ozone generator. It will help improve your indoor environment immensely. For more information about securing one in time for National Care about Indoor Air Month, please contact us.

Property Managers Secrets for Dealing with Real Estate Odors

what-is-ozoneWhen you consider all the ways that homes become “odorous” it is easy to imagine that a property manager has come across smells that bewilder the average person. Pet smells, mold and mildew, old dirty diapers and all sorts of stuff to offend the nose are common when folks move out of a property. Before the home can be shown and re-rented it is important to make it look and smell like new.

The first step a property manager must take is to clean the home, everything from the windows and walls to the ceiling fans and blinds need to be washed with a disinfectant and antibacterial cleanser. Opening the windows and shampooing the carpets will go a long way toward letting the home air out and smell a bit better, sadly this is a first step to dealing with real estate odors but not necessarily enough.

Some property managers choose to place bowls of vinegar or lemon juice in the property overnight. Lemon leaves behind a fresh fruity scent but doesn’t really eliminate the bad odors and vinegar does neutralized odors and the vinegar smell fades quickly leaving what appears to be fresh clean air.

But the next time the manager visits, to show the property there is likely still a lingering bad odor. This can be completely remedied by installing ozone producing machines. Ozone generators create ozone which is also known as activated oxygen. The ozone produces is a natural way to eliminate odors completely instead of just covering them up.

While these machines are similar to air purifiers or air filters the difference is that the machine creates ions which go forth and destroy odorous molecules while air purifiers have to cycle the air through the machine to clean it. Contact us to learn more about how ozone generators could be the answer to your bad odors.

Successful property managers get empty units filled quickly, in order to make this happen they have to know a bit about removing real estate odors, cleaning, and covering up scents only works to freshen the home temporarily, the only way to make sure the smells don’t reappear after a few days is to completely purify the air molecules with an ozone generator.

Employers Shift Towards Embracing Clean Air Smell Over Chemical Scents

At one time, businesses were encouraged to pump public spaces full of artificial fragrances. The marketers thought that doing so would spur consumers to spend more and be happy. But that school of thought, as evidenced by a recent article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, has slowly started to go by the wayside. Now, people are more apt to opt for a clean air smell than one filled with chemicals. Here’s why:

As the Las Vegas Review-Journal article indirectly pointed out, people have slowly become more aware of conditions like fragrance sensitivity. And as that awareness has grown, more human resources departments are focusing on implementing fragrance free policies. The policies currently vary widely from firm to firm. However, many contain provisions that prohibit the use of fragranced products by all staff and promote the use of workplace air purifiers.

Part of this newfound understanding may be traced back to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was amended in 2008. After it was amended, some people started to consider fragrance sensitivity a disability. That, in turn, opened up uncharted territory that many firms were not prepared to deal with at the time.

Consequently, a few people afflicted with the condition began suing employers that did not make accommodations for them. Some won their cases and others did not. So at the time, that only added to the confusion. Needless to say, those types of adverse events also prodded more businesses to err on the side of caution and meet the needs of scent sensitive individuals as best they could.

Thankfully, businesses hoping to implement fragrance free policies of their own in 2014 have a lot more options to choose from than they did when the collective shift towards the new way of thinking began. On that list of options are air purification systems such as Rainbowair Ozone Generators, Newaire Hydroxyl Generators and Plugin Deodorizers and Queenaire Ozone Generators. Slightly different in design but united in purpose, all three can remove irritating fragrances from the workplace and leave a comforting, clean air smell behind. To learn more about how they may help employers, please contact us by calling us toll free at (866) 676-9663.

Pet Odor Doesn’t Have To Be a Reality in Your Home

Most of us have visited the veterinarian at some point and there’s no denying that there’s a certain smell that permeates the entire facility. If you own pets then you may be familiar with that same pet odor in your home. It doesn’t mean that your home is unclean or that your pets need a bath; it’s sometimes just a fact of life when having pets.

The problem with traditional deodorizers is that they only mask the odor and what you end up with is a perfumed dog smell instead of getting rid of the problem causing the odor in the first place.

The difference in using a deodorizer and an ozone generator is like night and day. An ozone generator works to destroy the odor causing atoms instead of simply masking the smell temporarily. What you then get is a clean, fresh smell similar to a walk on the beach or after a storm. This is because of the ozone being a natural purifier. It destroys the gases that cause the odor in the first place instead of working as a re-odorant like traditional sprays and scents.

For smaller rooms you can use the Newaire Plugin Series I or for an entire house you may want to try a larger unit such as the QT Storm which treats areas up to 10,000 sq feet. Your home will smell clean and fresh without pet odors and it works for all kinds of odors such as trash smells, cigarette odors, and everything that makes your home smell less than clean.

If you want to learn more about how you can effectively get rid of pet odor or any other kind of odor in your home then simply contact us and we’ll be glad to help you find the right product and how to use safely in your home.

Giving big: Give the Gift of Fresh Air

What is on your holiday list this year? 

During the cold, winter-y seasons, many are locked indoors with smells that are almost impossible to get rid of.   Pet odors, cigarette smoke odors, mold and mildew odors, garbage odors, cooking odors, renovation odors…the list goes on and on.  Whatever your odor issue is,  the option of throwing open your windows to air a space out is limited only to warm weather.  So what do you do?  How can you maintain fresh, clean air when you have stale, dry air constantly circulating around your home or business?

The answer is quite simple, actually. 

Two words: Ozone Deodorizer.  

Depending on your needs, we carry large units (commerical) specific for many uses geared toward basement deodorization, water damage and mold/mildew restoration, hair salons, etc.  Our larger units are meant to specifically “shock treat” a area for a short period of time.  Ozone is one of the most effective, chemical-free and  natural ways to elminate odors in any sort of application.

The NewAire Plug-In and Hardwire versions are also a great alternative for 24 hour deododorization in places such as bathrooms, entryways, kitchens, living rooms, etc. 

And don’t forget our NewAire Auto Plug-In units, which deodorize continuously while you sleep!  

Everyone has odors-this is the PERFECT gift this holiday season!

For assistance in choosing the right ozone deodororizer for you, visit our website at the Ozone Experts or call us at 866-676-9663.  We’ll help you get set up with the right unit, so your deodorizer can be under the tree by Christmas time.