Remove Particulates from the Air and Increase Your Family’s Comfort

During the winter months, the air quality in our homes and offices can really take a nose dive. As a result, many of us may experience breathing problems and have overall difficulty feeling comfortable in our own space. The good news is there are ways to reverse that drop in air quality:

The most effective one is to remove particulates from the environment. Particulate matter can come from a wide variety of sources. Examples include soot from our fireplaces and dust from our HVAC unit’s ductwork. When released into the air, these items can enter into our bodies and cause some very troubling health problems.

For instance, exposure to particulate matter can lead to the development of emphysema and cardiovascular  disease in otherwise healthy individuals. It can also exacerbate existing problems in other individuals. The list of existing problems that can be aggravated by particulates includes, but is not confined to, bronchitis, heart arrhythmia and asthma.

At this point, you may be wondering how to remove particulate matter in the most effective and efficient way. In our experience, the ideal way to take care of that task is to put negative ions to work in your home or office. They will help to remove particulate matter from the air and send it cascading down towards the floor. Once it’s onto the floor, you’ll be able to clean it up with the aid of a powerful, HEPA filter vacuum.

To fully utilize the power of negative ions, we’d suggest investing in an ozone generator. They are designed to purify the air with the aid of ozone and negative ions. We have various units in stock. So there is no doubt that we’ll have an ozone generator on hand that’s capable of improving the air quality in your home or business.

For more information about our ozone generators and tips for removing particulates from the air, please contact us at (866) 676-9663.

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