Eliminate Odor Naturally During National Care about Indoor Air Month

With National Care about Indoor Air Month in full swing, we wanted to spend a few moments this week taking about the topic. What many Americans may not be cognizant of is how big a problem indoor air pollution really is. So we decided to start off with a few shocking statistics and then talk about how to eliminate odor naturally.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, on a daily basis, each of us takes in roughly 3,000 gallons of air. For most of us, at least 16 hours of our day are spent indoors. Now couple that with the World Health Organization’s research. It indicates that poor indoor air quality contributes a notable amount to what’s known as the global burden of disease.

How much is a notable amount? In the early 2000s, when the last major study was conducted, the amount was 2.7 percent. At the time, the organization was also able to directly contribute indoor air pollution exposure to more than 1 million fatalities. That, in effect, made it one of the organization’s top 10 public health concerns.

Although it has been a while since another study of that magnitude was conducted, we doubt that much has changed for the better. After all, the results of the American Lung Association’s 2013 State of the Air Report were not something to celebrate. They indicated that more than 44 million human beings still live in areas around the globe that are known to have exceptionally poor outdoor air quality. So we can only imagine that indoor air quality in America still needs a lot of improvement too.

Thus, if you want to eliminate odors naturally from your environment during National Care about Indoor Air Month, we’d recommend buying an ozone generator. It will help improve your indoor environment immensely. For more information about securing one in time for National Care about Indoor Air Month, please contact us.

The Queen of QueenAire: A Note From the President, Susan Duffy

Welcome to the Ozone Experts blog!  First let me thank you for taking the time to check us out.  My name is Susan Duffy; I am the president and owner of the Newaire, Queenaire, and Rainbowair lines of ozone products.  I personally have been selling this technology for over 20 years, and while I hate to age myself, I am very proud of the fact that I am still here selling a product that I have spent a big part of my life traveling from state to state touting the benefits of the technology to anyone who will listen to me.

The business has moved with me and my three children three times over the years and today operates out of our new 6600 sq/ft warehouse in my hometown in upstate NY right on the beautiful St. Lawrence River.  With my daughter Nicole Plumley now handling the day to day operations, I am happy to say that the business runs smoothly and continues to grow as ozone technology becomes more main stream and more and more users spread the word as to the magic of ozone.  There simply is nothing more effective on the face of this earth for eliminating odors, in fact ozone is how mother nature cleans the face of the earth. 

For those of you that still don’t know what ozone is or how it works, simply put, it is the “fresh” in the air that blows through your windows and makes everything smell nice.  It is used by hotels, car dealers, apartment owners, nursing homes, schools, municipalities, grocery stores, restoration companies, homeowners and on and on…the common thread being the destruction of odor….naturally, permanently and completely.  For the most part the product has been used commercially so for a lot of people, ozone is still a mystery. 

I write this blog in the hopes that we can spread the word, to help homeowners who are struggling with the cleanup after flood or smoke damage or a visit from a feisty rodant; it seems there is no end to devastation many homeowners are faced with these days.  Cleaning up is a major undertaking and for many just when you thought you were done, there is that lingering odor to remind you of the mess you had.  Restoration companies have used this technology for decades to clean up after a disaster. 

If you have a story pertaining to an overwhelming odor that you have experienced, please share it with us!  I look forward to reading your stories. 



 ~President of QueenAire Technologies, Inc., Susan Duffy