Using Ozone Technology to Permanently Remove Mold and Mildew

Many people all over the world suffer from problems with mold and mildew odor in their homes, and are often in search of a way to rid the house of this unforgiving and difficult problem. When you get mold in different areas of the house, this then leads to mildew, which can leave a nasty odor in the area.  Mold is essentially a fungus and is found in areas where there is little ventilation and a warm, damp surrounding. Mildew is basically mold which has attached itself to some kind of material, mainly fabric and is usually found on carpets, rugs, clothes, towels and linens.

Mold and mildew odors are a problem in many households and is difficult to get rid of completely. As well as mold and mildew odor being unpleasant to our senses, it can also be dangerous to people with allergies as it contains irritants and toxins which can be harmful. In most cases of mold and mildew odor, traditional deodorizers and cleaning equipment doesn’t get rid of it completely, it is important to make sure that all of the molecules and bacteria are removed; the best way to achieve this is by using ozone technology to eliminate mold and mildew completely.

Ozone is created through a device which naturally creates ozone molecules from the air and then pushes them out into the area of the offending mold and mildew odor. The ozone molecule which is made up of three oxygen molecules will then separate and attach itself to the mold molecules and neutralize them. Once the oxygen atom has attached, the mold molecule is stripped of its personal odor characteristics and is dispersed as a neutral atom. Ozone is a very efficient air cleaner, as well as being proficient in odor control, as it is able to purify the air around it in a green and natural way, without releasing strong odors and chemicals into the air instead. The equipment that generates ozone is becoming more widely available and is a great investment as it takes care of the mold and mildew odor forever rather than just masking it for the immediate future.

The technology also has major health benefits as it works as a brilliant air purifier. This is why ozone is often referred to as the world’s natural air filter, which makes the air cleaner and healthier for people who suffer from allergies and irritations in their lives.

For more information, click here to visit our website to select the right ozone generator for your needs.


How to Get Rid of Hospital Smells

Any medical or care facility that has injured, frail and/or ill people residing in will no doubt suffer from the vast array of hospital odors and become  aware of the problems these hospital odors can cause in the long run. Hospital odors will find themselves embedded in all fabrics and material such as bedding, curtains, furniture, upholstery and clothing. It is vital that all the soft furnishings and bedding be odorless and sanitary before the next resident is required to use them; it is important to not allow the people to catch any further infections and diseases while they are under care.

Since many airborne bacteria and toxins are present in hospital odors, the best way to create a pleasant, healthy and comfortable environment for the residents and staff is to make sure that you can eliminate all the hospital odors and purify the surrounding air. Even after the cleaning staff have worked their magic on a room that has been occupied and then vacated, it will still be at risk of hospital odors as the cleaning solutions will mask some of the odor.  It is impossible to tell if all the germs and bacteria have left the area completely. Ozone odor control is highly effective as it works to eliminate any trace of the hospital odors at their core and attacks the source of the hospital odors directly so that they are unable to reproduce and return in the future. Nurse

Ozone molecules are created when a power surge is applied to oxygen atoms in the atmosphere and they are then released into the room where they begin to break down and return to their original state after about 20-30 minutes. Once broken down the oxygen atoms will attach to the hospital odor molecules and destroy their structure so that they are completely destroyed. To deodorize an entire hospital room, ozone technology is not only quick and easy; it is green and does not cause any damage to the atmosphere or planet. Hospitalroom

Oxygen is naturally able to purify and oxidize the embedded hospital odors without the use of chemical based solutions or perfumes being used which can cause irritation, allergies and breathing difficulties, especially for the infirm and ailing. After using an ozone odor control device on a room, the following occupant will discover no trace of any hospital odors which were present before and will be able to have a comfortable and secure stay during their own course of treatment.


"Many hospitals around the world use large ozone generators to decontaminate operating rooms between surgeries. The rooms are cleaned and then sealed airtight before being filled with ozone which effectively kills or neutralizes all remaining bacteria." 


de Boer, Hero E. L.; Carla M. van Elzelingen-Dekker; Cora M. F. van Rheenen-Verberg; Lodewijk Spanjaard (2006). "Use of Gaseous Ozone for Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus From the Home Environment of a Colonized Hospital Employee". Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 27 (10): 1120–1122. doi:10.1086/507966PMID 17006820.