What is Smog: Ozone is Good and Natural

Smog (1)

Ozone has recieved a bad rep recently, mainly due to the summer-time smog issues primarily in California.  In actuality, smog is a combination of hydrocarbons  and VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) which inundate areas with larger amounts of pollution.  Ozone IS NOT smog; it is, in fact, naturally ocurring.   Ozone is present in smog, but the process that creates this pollution also creates smog.  The more pollution you have, the more smog is created.  Ozone is present to help clean the pollution, and without it we would not be able to life safely in our cities.  Unfortunately, Ozone has been getting a bad rep when in fact it is the hydrocarbons and VOC's, along with the many other toxic and harmful particulates in the air.  

For more information on what Ozone is and how it is actually GOOD for us to have around, read this article Ozone is Good and Natural.


NewAire Plugin Giveaway: Part 1



You might be asking…what is a NewAire plugin?  Well, first of all,  I can tell you what it isn't.  It most definately is not an air freshener.  It does not contain fragrance to try to mask smells in a room (because really, that's all an air freshener really does).  It does not contain chemicals, because it's actually 100% natural.  It does not suck air in to "purify" it thorugh a filtration system; it actually cleans the air by creating trillions of negative ions which cause particulates in the air to clump together and fall to the floor. The ozone in the machine is created naturally and circulated to eliminate odors at the source, which is the great part. 

So why might you want one?  To get rid of odors, of course!  Have you ever stepped into a home that has a certain, how shall we say…funk?  The NewAire plugin gets rid of that smell.  Just like that.  You still might be skeptical, and rightfully so.  There are many many companies out there trying to sell you products left and right that just don't work.  When I started working with the company, I have to admit, I was a bit of a skeptic.  It wasn't until I was in a room with the NewAire plugin while working with Goof Off spot remover (if you've ever used it, you know just how intensely strong this stuff is).  Within minutes, the smell was gone. GONE. 

I was a believer.

And it's pretty great to represent a product that works, seriously works. 

(if you want to know the science and chemistry behind the NewAire plugin, go to http://newairepurifiers.com/)



…stay tuned to the www.ozoneexpertsblog.com.  Contest will open officially on Friday, September 16, 2011.