At one time, businesses were encouraged to pump public spaces full of artificial fragrances. The marketers thought that doing so would spur consumers to spend more and be happy. But that school of thought, as evidenced by a recent article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, has slowly started to go by the wayside. Now, people are more apt to opt for a clean air smell than one filled with chemicals. Here’s why:
As the Las Vegas Review-Journal article indirectly pointed out, people have slowly become more aware of conditions like fragrance sensitivity. And as that awareness has grown, more human resources departments are focusing on implementing fragrance free policies. The policies currently vary widely from firm to firm. However, many contain provisions that prohibit the use of fragranced products by all staff and promote the use of workplace air purifiers.
Part of this newfound understanding may be traced back to the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was amended in 2008. After it was amended, some people started to consider fragrance sensitivity a disability. That, in turn, opened up uncharted territory that many firms were not prepared to deal with at the time.
Consequently, a few people afflicted with the condition began suing employers that did not make accommodations for them. Some won their cases and others did not. So at the time, that only added to the confusion. Needless to say, those types of adverse events also prodded more businesses to err on the side of caution and meet the needs of scent sensitive individuals as best they could.
Thankfully, businesses hoping to implement fragrance free policies of their own in 2014 have a lot more options to choose from than they did when the collective shift towards the new way of thinking began. On that list of options are air purification systems such as Rainbowair, Newaire and Queenaire. Slightly different in design but united in purpose, all three can remove irritating fragrances from the workplace and leave a comforting, clean air smell behind. To learn more about how they may help employers, please contact us by dialing (866) 676-9663.

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