Many households in the United States have at least one pet. No matter what kind of pet that is there is going to be some kind of odor. Pet Odor can be difficult to get rid of. For some it is the bane of their existence. It is what they spend hours and lots of money trying to get rid of. No matter how much you keep up with the litter box or take the dog on walks, or whatever you need to do to keep as much pet odor out, there is still some left over scent that lingers in the house.
There are many products on the market now that claim to help but most just cover up the smell or mix with the pet odor. So, you are left with apple cinammon scented pet. Not the aroma you want your guests or family to smell all day long. If you do an internet search for pet odor you will have thousands upon thousands of links to products who offer great pet odor elimination. Some them even guarantee it will eliminate the pet odors in your home. Unfotunately most of those items have harmful chemicals in them or are expensive and/or need to be replaced constantly.
There is a new product out now that changes everything. Newaire is green, cost effective and works. The Newaire Plugin is completely silent, has no fans or moving parts, absolutely no replacement cost, a 15 to 20 year life expectancy and the only maintenance required is a simple cleaning. What is greater than using non-chemicals to save money, stay green and that actually eliminates the odor in your home?
Newaire is a product that uses Mother Nature's own air freshner technology and allows you to bring it into your home. It is ozone. As stated on Newaire's website " The word "Ozone" is derived from the Greek word "ozien" which means, "to smell". In high levels ozone is bluish in color, which is why the sky is blue. Ozone was discovered in the late 1800’s and is classified as the second strongest oxidizer in the world."
Newaire isn't just for pet odor problems though. It can be used for all odors, smoke, mold, food, garbage, etc. If this is something you are intersted in learning more about please contact us.

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